Hey, uh what?

I dunno…..I’m tired of yelling at the news on tv and this ipad, every bit as much as Cindy is of hearing it. I better find another outlet. Maybe writing things out will be therapeutic, kinda like a little girl writing in her diary, in that it returns me to some sort of idylic bliss. Maybe a lot of people will read it and the ads will give me buckets of money like so many of those jackasses who buy Ferraris and post pics because they made a ton of cash doing who the hell knows what on the internet. I don’t really care but just for kicks, let’s see how it goes.


Comments? I’ll learn out how to make them available. If you write something mean or stupid, then I’ll learn how to delete them.

Pictures/Illustrations? I don’t know how to get good, free pics, so I guess I’ll learn how to draw what I can’t find.


Read along, add some comments, or at the very least, wish me luck.

Thanks much for staying with me this far.